Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Semenyih-Seremban Ride

First ever long distance ride,for me at least. Measured distance 65km back and forth. Took me 3:09. That's my longest duration for whatever discipline of sport i did. Average speed 20.29km/h. Very slow.

I guess luck is on my side,start rolling at 8:30. Cloudy all the way till Seremban. That took me almost 1:30 to get my wheel there. 3 stops along the way. Hydrating and cooling purposed stop. Finally i have 2 water mount. 1 for plain water and the other one for gatorade.

Barely going even 1km/h at the route 8-10km to Seremban. Very hilly. Stop once. Almost give up. Thinking bout pushing the bike up. This is a really good route since it's all covered with tree shades. Would love recommending this route for cycling. Even if u still cycle at 11am! The best part is, no dog encounter at all.

Need to try those Powerbar thing for refuel. I'm so not accustomed to their taste. Had my refuel stop in Mantin on the way back. 1 roti canai and 2 half boiled eggs. Water bottle refilled. Off i go. 5km reaching home,scorching sun appeared. Reached home around 12pm.

Was thinking to do some running in the evening. Mission failed. Too lazy. Let's see how it goes today. Next event, Energizer Night Run. Just checked PNM 2010 result, im 379/891. total time 2:29. My first 10km 59:50. Below 1 hour for 10km,finally.

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